linocut printmaking

learn relief printmaking with carving tools and linoleum blocks


lino for beginners

intro to linocut printmaking. learn how to carve a custom linocut ‘stamp’ to print your design, and take it home to use over and over again.

this month is a special ‘earth day’ themed lino 101 class

tuesday april 22, 6:30 - 9:30 pm

$ 69

multicolor lino

in this hands-on class we’ll learn multi-block lino and how to layer two carved blocks to create bold, multicolor prints. design, carve, and print using separate linoleum blocks for each color, explore techniques like the jigsaw method, and use registration devices.

this class is perfect for folks who have already taken our ‘lino for beginners’ class, or those whom want to expand their own introductory-level lino knowledge.

tuesday april 8, 6:30 - 9:30 pm

$ 89

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